This Way Out (Caroline)

September 30, 1994

Idaho is actually a one-man outfit. with Jeff Martin playing instruments and writing all the songs. The music often seems to brood in a crevice while our hero sticks his voice out on a limb of vulnerability that combines J. Mascis and Bono's styles.

"Drive It" chimes with a high, clenched guitar wail, and Martin's deep vocals provide the perfect foil. The high keys of a keyboard and a piano perfectly accentuate "Weird Wood's" surreal feel, and precious lines like "Sweep's" ''If the future has a story then let it happen faster" leave no doubt about Martin's lyrical ability. Check out the upbeat bounce of "Crawling" and the relentless drone of "Zabo." Those who like the sound of a soul grinding its teeth in its sleep will revel in Idaho's intensely personal expanse. David Beran